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Pokimoni u hrvatskom jeziku. """"""""""" The pokemon seasons 1,2,3 are dubbed in Croatian language. It's not the first time this has happenned with other series of shows/movies/anime etc - but for some reason this is happening with Pokémon anime too. The dubbing took place in Zagreb and it has been made by ABC Studio. It has been mentioned on their website that ""we hope to make a better dubbing experience for our fans around the world"". DUBBING NOTICE! Pokemon sezona 1 sinkronizirano na hrvatski! :) . The name of the series is not known in Croatian but it's known as "Pokémon" in Slovene language. The name "Pokémon" also appears in the Slovakian version (perhaps because Pokémon is not necessarily used as an adjective, but can be used as a noun, too; "pokémon", which is the name of the creature, has no ending). There are several ways to say "Pokémon": pokémon (the byproduct of the splitting of English words into prefixes and suffixes); pokrm (cooked animals), or počskokotkovi.Half-hour produced by [CJ Entertainment Inc. in the Korean language. There are 28 episodes of Pokémon, in Korean, so far with Korean titles. Currently airing on Korean EBS1 every Saturday 7:35pm The show is broadcast in Mandarin in Taiwan on PTS ( ), every Saturday at 6:00am with reruns all week on PTS Kids ( ) and various channels. It is also available to watch On Demand via . On the 17th of May 2014 the series was taken off air due to poor ratings. The show is broadcast in Hindi in India on Hungama TV, dubbed in the Hindi language with the titles of the episodes based off their English names. The first two seasons were aired on Cartoon Network India, whereas subsequent seasons were aired on Nickelodeon. The series was translated into Kannada by Prime Time ( ), a division of Cloud Nine Adventures, and is aired as "Pokémon: The Battle Begins", every Saturday at 7:30 AM on Udaya TV. It is also available to watch On Demand via . The first two Seasons have been dubbed already and are currently being shown . Later episodes with the updated graphics have been rendered into Kannada. The show is broadcast in Tamil in India on Hungama TV, dubbed in the Tamil language with the titles of the episodes based off their English names.The series was translated into Bengali by Prime Time ( ), a division of Cloud Nine Adventures, and is aired as "Pokémon: The Battle Begins", every Saturday at 7:30 AM on ETV Bangla. It is also available to watch On Demand via . The first two Seasons have been dubbed already and are currently being shown . Later episodes with the updated graphics have been rendered into Bengali. Pokimónu je poslano hrvatski jezik. cfa1e77820